Brij ki Holi

Brij ki Holi is played in a different way in BARSANA village of Braj which is called Lathamar Holi. It is full of special fun because it is seen in connection with the love of Krishna and Radha. Mainly the men of Nandgaon and the women of Barsana participate in the Holi here, because Krishna was from Nandgaon and Radha was from Barsana. When the gangs of Nandgaon reach Barsana carrying water cannons, the women of Barsana beat them with sticks. The men have to fend off these sticks and at the same time the women have to be drenched with colors. The people of Nandgaon and Barsana believe that no one gets hurt by the sticks of Holi. Even if there is an injury, people rub mud on the wound and start again. During this, there is a lot of arrangement for bhang and thandai. Kirtan congregations sing songs such as “Kanha Barsane Mein Aayi Jayo Bulay Gayi Radha Pyari”, “Faag Khelaan Aaye Hai Natwar Nand Kishore” and “Udat Gulal Lal Bhaye Badra”. It is said that “Sab Jag Hori, Ja Braj Hora” means Holi of Braj is the most unique.

A Glimpse


SHRI Nath Brij-folk Group is rooted from Mathura Uttar Pradesh. Having the BRIJ folk music in every breath, we bring the exact soul of Brij folk to the world. Spreading the spirit of Radha Krisshna Brij Culture to the world has become the integral part of Shri Nath Group.